Unidad de Política Migratoria
Welcome home! Repatriated and returned migrants
A virtual space where you can find information about services and social programs that will assist you to ease your return and reintegration.
Our goal is to provide you with information on where and how to:
- Update your identity documents: birth certificate and CURP.
- Get health care for you and your family. Social security and the possibility of reactivating your Retirement Savings Fund.
- Access public schools, validate studies, certify skills, enrolment; education services in general.
- Find a job. Learn about job vacancies, certify your work skills, and access credit options and Infonavit schemes to quote and acquire housing in the country.
We invite you to learn about the inter-institutional programs, actions, and services provided by the various agencies of federal, state, and local governments that will ease your and your family’s return and reintegration into the country.
In addition, people interested – academics, public officials, decision-makers and public policymakers, members of civil society organizations, and students – will find official migratory statistical information and official documents on the subject of repatriations.

Agreements and Conventions
Here you will find official documents regarding return migration in Mexico.

Here you will find the official statistics generated by the Migration Policy, Registration, and Identity of Persons Bureau on the repatriation events of Mexicans.

Here you will find the activities, actions and agreements for the 'Agreement establishing the Interinstitutional Strategy for Comprehensive Care of Repatriated and Returning Mexican Families'.